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 Post by: namthao
 ID 15675
 Date: 07/18/2007

Growing Up
profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang    edit -sua doi, thay doi  post reply - goy y kien

góp ý kiến
 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 94622
 Date: 07/18/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
1983:a prince was born..^_^...may be,I will left my home and moved to a big city of my province for my high school too, in the next few months...hix
your father is very great...good student, and u too !!??..hehe

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 94623
 Date: 07/18/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Welcome lady,
please come in, get on a board. Yes, you are right, my father was great, and he should be a special person too. He always got the best awards from first grade to twelve grade that included awards from the president of previous government. Unfortunately, I had a real problem when he told me "Con hơn cha là nhà có phúc" How could I study better than him? You know what? Everytime he said that, I had better walked away or my mother would save my life :) :) Anyway, I will try.
Take care lady,

 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 94628
 Date: 07/18/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
ahahha...wow...you're proud of ur father so much...and ur mother too

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 94640
 Date: 07/19/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Are you going to leave your home for high school, too? If so, Wow! good luck to you, but at first, You should learn to live with "cơm tay cầm". Cơm tay cầm, thường là món "chủ lực" của anh. Vừa ăn vứa đi kể cũng thích lắm.
Chúc em may mắn,

 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 94642
 Date: 07/19/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
heheh...hok co' dau..teen co' nguoi` nau' com cho an ma`.. con`"com tay cam" co' le~ mai mot' moi' co' dip. thuong thuc'..ahhaha

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 94644
 Date: 07/19/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Trong cuộc sống bình thường, tất cả bình thường gần như "vô nghĩa", nhưng khi cuộc sồng không còn the way we were used to, thì mình mới thấy mất mát rất nhiều. Có xa nhà mới thấy sự chăm sóc của người mẹ là điều cần thiết và bao la, và mình sẽ hiểu thế nào tình mẹ đối với con. Có làm việc để tạo được đồng tiền mới hiểu được sự nhọc nhằn của người cha. Có ăn cơm tay cầm, mới thấy được giá trị của bữa cơm gia đình sum hợp. Tuy nhiên dù sao "chim đã lớn" thì phải tự lập bay đi tìm mồi. Em nghỉ có đúng hôn? Nếu không tìm được mồi, thì "mì gối" là món chủ lực vậy.
Cứ mỗi lần anh sắp ra khỏi nhà thì má anh đều dặn "con nhớ mua một thùng mì gói" thì anh trã lời "mì gói ăn nóng lắm và nổi mụn nữa, con không ăn đâu" "con cứ mua một thùng mì để sẵn đó". vào những lúc Emergency, thì Tuấn bạn anh thường hát "chim Quyên xuống đất ăn trùng" giờ không có trùng thì sao? thôi thì ăn mì gói vậy :) :) :)
Cái nầy là kinh nghiệm cho "kẽ xa nhà" đó cô bé.
Good luck,

 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 94645
 Date: 07/19/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
trời ơi..con trai mà sợ nổi mụn huh????..sao hok nói teen, teen nấu cơm send wa cho....ahhahah...bi jờ tới đó còn lâu, mai mốtt đi rồi tính, nhưng teen hok fải ăn mì gói đâu
mà namthao mua thùng mì gói hay mua thùng bia để đó dzậy...heheh????

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 94648
 Date: 07/19/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Cám ơn lòng hảo tâm của cô bé. Làm con trai, anh có quan niệm "phải nếm" qua tất cả. tuy nhiên beer hoặc rượu đối với anh là bad habit và anh luôn luôn tránh. nấu cơm đối technique bây giờ thì cũng không khó, má anh thường dặn đổ hai lon gạo vào và đổ nước khoảng một "lóng ngón tay" là được, sau đó turn on nồi cơm khoãng 30 phút sau là ăn được. còn làm đồ ăn, mặc dù má anh có chỉ dẫn, nhưng anh vẫn thấy nó complicate quá, chỉ có trứng chiên và trứng luột là dễ dàng thôi cộng với rau luột (lấy nước làm canh), xịt chút xì dầu là đã có một bữa dinner của những nhà hàng three stars rồi phải hôn?
See? dù ăn uống như thế nào, anh vẫn học "OK" work well, feel healthy, vui vẽ và đẹp trai nữa (không được cười à nghe, mấy đứa em của anh thường nói như vậy):):):)
Are you hungry? trứng chiên hoặc luột cũng nhiều calories lắm. let try please. À, em cũng ở countryside phải hôn?

 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 94655
 Date: 07/19/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
trời ơi..cái này là bệnh chảnh fải hok ta ? mấy món đó teen làm ngon hơn namthao là cái chắc luôn ..hahhah...teen ở town, mai mốt ra city học,
còn nữa, cơm có 15' là chín rồi hok cần 30' đâu..thấy namthao ăn tội nghiệp wé..hixhix T_T

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 94669
 Date: 07/20/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Cám ơn Cuteteen nhiều. City? có phải là Mỹ Tho hôn? Mướn nhà trọ? Thật ra việc ăn uống mình chỉ ăn "no" để mà sống thôi, còn ngoài ra mình còn nhiều việc để học và làm. Chân tình của cô bé anh xin nhớ và cám ơn cô bé nhiều.
Take care, please.

 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 94712
 Date: 07/22/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
wow..namthao hay wa' ta..nhu*ng hok bit chung` nao moi' di nua~

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 94729
 Date: 07/23/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Hi Pretty,
Please come to "chủ đề mới nhất" for my new post.
Take care please,

 Reply: tammyph
 REF: 97450
 Date: 12/13/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Excuse me! I'm new member. What a pity! I can't read your essays which you deleted. Can you send me yours to my e-address? Please! I hope to read yours. Mine is: annoysomeone1501. Thanks a lot. Have a nice week!

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 97525
 Date: 12/20/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Chào anh/chị Tammyph,

Xin lỗi, mình đã biết được sụ yêu cầu của anh/chị, nhưng mình không thường về nhà trọ, tệ hơn nữa mình cũng không giỏi organize, do đó tìm lại file "Growing Up" cũng mất sometimes cho đến ngày hôm nay. Cám ơn anh/chị đã thích thú bài viết nầy, tuy nhiên mình vẫn e ngại anh/chị se disappoint khi đọc "Growing Up". Dù sao đây là nhưng khắc khoải tâm tư của người xa quê. những hình bóng kỹ niệm một thời thơ ấu khi ẩn khi hiện được gói ghém từ lâu trong ký ức và trong sự nhung nhớ triền miên. thật khó mà quên được cho nên "growing up" là nỗi tâm tư của mình và uớc mong chia se cúng anh/chi who are the same boat.

Growing Up

My home was in a wild countryside, and around 1975 and later, most Vietnamese named it “vung kinh te moi” where the Vietnam government issued the territories to help Vietnamese who could not continue supporting the cost of their living in the city. A fact, most of people living here, they or their relatives had worked for previous government, and some of other were poor, but they liked or had to move to the countryside for working in the farm.

At the age of twelve, I had to leave my home and move to a big city of my province for a middle and high school. Just a few days before leaving my house, I felt I was in the middle of staying and leaving. I asked myself that if I did not leave my house, I would live the way I was, but my parents were not happy. Otherwise, if I left my house, I was going to miss everything, especially, the lovely days of my native childhood, the beautiful sound of birds in the dew of early mornings, the times of excitedly catching fishes from fish-traps, swimming for hours in the river with friends in the hot days, enjoying cool and fresh air of the south-wind in the peaceful afternoons of summer, and viewing the beautiful horizon at the late afternoons when the sun almost set beyond of the mountain. I was also going to miss my grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters whom I could not imagine how I could live without of. I sometimes wanted to go, but another time I didn’t want to go. To make the decision for going or not going, I was so tired of it, and I felt I couldn’t close my eyes for sleeping. Maybe I needed to flip a coint for pix or tails.

Nobody understood me more than my parents, and they also knew how much I was worried when I left our family and lived alone there, and that was the reason my mother encouraged me. She recalled and gave me a good view about life in the city where she had lived for her entirely childhood, and she was so happy and excited for my future, so she talked, talked and talked . . . . but when she was alone, I could sight her emotion and sadness.

Opposite to my mother, my father was very strong and determined person. He was usually calm and quite, but whenever he talked to me, I almost stopped breathing for listening to him. Now, it seemed my father did not go to our rice field often as he was used to, but he wanted me getting closed and along with him. One early morning, he asked me going to a village’s mall for a breakfast, another time, we went to our back garden to pick and share coconuts and mangos, and at that time I discovered that my father talked a lot more than what I had thought.

Before 1975, my family was in a city. My uncle Hai and uncle Sau had worked for previous government and supported our family. Just a few days before our country was independent, my two uncles left our country and headed somewhere in the world. Otherwise, my father stayed home and took care of my grandparents. In the summer 1975, after finishing high school, my father tried to go to a physician college in Ho Chi Minh city, with his major, Doctor. Unfortunately, maybe because of the background of my two uncles, my father was chosen for a pre-college that would offered my father a chance to get into real college next year without retake the difficult exam.

My father was the best student. He always got the best awards for each class from first grade to fifth grade. He also got the highest score of the exam from the fifth grade to sixth grade, high school. when he was in high school, he always got the best award from the president of previous government for each class from sixth grade to twelve grade, high school. Because of studying in the spare class, my father was disappointed, he did not accept their offer. Otherwise, he Just stayed home and worked around in our city, but his income could not support our family.

At the beginning new life in the new territory, most of settlers lived together and created a community or village in order to help each other. After a few years of hard work, most things were going very good in our village. My grandparents and father planted rice, fruit trees of four reasons, and raised chickens, ducks, fishes, shrimps . . . . However, when the flood season was happened in my village, the water raised highly and strongly that attached our rice field leavers, most settlers tried to help each other by working very hard in order to protect our leavers. During helping each other, my mother recognized my father whom was the same with her high school, the classes of 1975. Although they had never had a chance to know each other, the past time came up to them so easily. They talked to each other days by days, and finally, they got married in 1980.

In 1983, I came out in the happiness and excitement of my grandparents and my parents, and I was considered as prince in my family. I remember at the age of three, I just knew I lived in the “luxury garden” that was created and built by the hard working of my grandparents and parents who provided me all kinds of fruits for entirely year. In early mornings, I brought a basket and followed my grandmother to pluck flowers of Vietnamese pumpkin. I loved the Vietnamese pumpkin flowers soup. It was so great, especially, my grandmother cooked it with baby shrimps. Another time, I brought a basket with my grandfather to harvest Vietnamese potatoes that we normally had lunch with bananas. During the summer afternoons, I never had any happier in my life when I took swims with my grandfather, and tried to catch fishes during the water was outflow at the lowest level in the river. I could touch the fishes and feel excited, but it was very hard to catch it. Sometimes in the early mornings, my grandfather and I fished “ca loc” in our pond, and once, I got the big one. In order to escaping from the hook, the fish was pulling my rod from one direction to others. Finally, my grandfather helped me to take him off from the water.

At the age of four, my mother had my younger brother, so she was staying home, taking care of him, and teaching me reading. My first lesson and several lessons later were about Vietnam history that were written by my mother from her memory. I had to remember what I read then I storied to my father when he got home in the late afternoon. It was so hard for me to remember, and I was also afraid of my father if I could not make it. The people could only “save” my life at that time were my grandparents, so I came up and cried with them for help. My grandparents smiled at me and said “your father loves you. Please try to do the best as you can” To give my father the best shot, I read what my mother wrote, but I storied to my father what I could remember even in my own style that I already did a summary in reading, but I never knew until later.

While we were sharing the coconut in our back yard, my father continued: " Son, I knew it is so hard for you when you live far away from our family because you are just a boy, but a fact, wherever you are, you will or should be growing up sooner or later. Remember! When a bamboo grows up in the hard land, its cell is hard and strong, and that bamboo can stand or exist under a hurricane or severe weather . By taking more challenges, it doesn’t mean you risk your life or jump out the airplane without parachute, but all challenges are opportunities that are valuable lessons you are going to learn. Let try the best of your effort to open an education door for your future, younger brothers, and sisters later. . . .”

It just happened, and I realized that my naive life was influenced on my future. Unfortunately, I never knew nor could I imagine how my future would be.

Nam Thao
Summer 2007

 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 97531
 Date: 12/21/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
i hate you

 Reply: namthao
 REF: 97546
 Date: 12/23/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Wow! quá dử. Am I death?

Em khoẻ hôn? lâu lắm rồi mới gặp lại em. Dù cuộc gặp nơi đây không thể nhìn thấy nhau,nhưng theo anh nghỉ cuộc gặp gỡ nào cũng ẩn chứa những niềm vui. Sao em lại "hate" anh?
À! có lẽ anh biết rồi. nếu một người nào đó nói tốt về anh, chắc chắn là em không "hate" anh đâu. Còn nói ngược lại thì "hate" anh phải vậy hôn? Vậy thì tội nghiệp cho "thân trai mười hai bến nước . . ." Như em cũng biết, anh xa gia dình lúc anh 12 tuổi. trong tầm mắt anh cho dến bây giờ, tất cả những người anh gặp và quen biết điều là nguời tốt trong đó kể cã em và anh Ghost. Tuy nhiên, đôi khi anh cũng nên thử "một ván bài" để xem người ta như thế nào. Giờ thì đã quá rỏ ràng. Em, em hate anh, rồi anh sẽ hate ai? Anh nghỉ, anh cũng nên hate cái computer của anh. Bởi vì tại nó mà anh viết lách quấy nhiểu em và tất cả các anh chị khác.
Chúc em luôn vui tươi, cho anh gởi lời thăm anh Ghost.

Nam Thao

 Reply: cuteteen
 REF: 97551
 Date: 12/23/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
sặc, vụ gì mà có ghost nữa vậy, đâu ra ghost vậy trời...i hate u, cos you've dissappeared for a long time, that's all

  góp ý kiến



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